Marine Biological Laboratory
Policy No. D.1.17
Initiated by: Manager of POM and Security
Approved by: MBL Director/CEO
Date: February 12, 2004
Distribution: MBL Community

1.0 Policy Statement:
It is the policy of the Marine Biological Laboratory to promote a safe environment for its employees, students, and visitors. The 51Ʒ is committed to working with the entire 51Ʒ Community to maintain an environment free from violence, threats of violence, persecution, intimidation, and/or other disruptive behavior. While this kind of conduct is not pervasive at our Laboratory, no workplace is immune. Every workplace will be affected by disruptive behavior at one time or another.

2.0 Definitions

  • 2.1 Acts of violence include any physical action, whether intentional or reckless, that harms or threatens the safety of another individual.
  • 2.2 A threat of violence includes any behavior that by its very nature could be interpreted by a reasonable person as an intent to cause physical harm to another individual.

3.0 Acts or threats of violence include conduct which is sufficiently severe, offensive or intimidating to alter the employment or learning conditions at MBL or to create a hostile, abusive, or intimidating environment for one or several MBL employees, students or visitors.

  • 3.1 Examples of violence include, but are not limited to, the following:
    • 3.1.1 All threats or acts of violence occurring on MBL premises, regardless of the relationship between the 51Ʒ and the parties involved in the incident
    • 3.1.2 All threats or acts of violence occurring off the 51Ʒ premises involving someone who is acting in the capacity of a representative of the 51Ʒ
    • 3.1.3 All threats or acts of violence occurring off the 51Ʒ premises involving an employee of MBL if the threats or acts affect the legitimate interests of the 51Ʒ
    • 3.1.4 Any acts or threats resulting in the conviction of an employee or agent of the 51Ʒ, or of an individual performing services for the 51Ʒ on a contract or temporary basis, under any criminal code provision relating to violence or threats of violence which adversely affect the legitimate interests and goals of the 51Ʒ
  • 3.2 Specific examples of conduct which may be considered threats or acts of violence include, but are not limited to, the following:
    • 3.2.1 Hitting or shoving an individual
    • 3.2.2 Threatening an individual or his/her family, friends, associates, or property with harm
    • 3.2.3 The intentional destruction or threat of destruction of MBL property
    • 3.2.4 Harassing or threatening phone calls, electronic or written communications
    • 3.2.5 Harassing surveillance or stalking
    • 3.2.6 The suggestion or intimation that violence is appropriate
    • 3.2.7 Unauthorized possession or inappropriate use of firearms or weapons

4.0 To prevent personal injury, danger to another individual, and/or damage to property, the possession or use of any potentially dangerous item or material is strictly forbidden in all buildings or on campus. Such items are subject to confiscation and the bearer to disciplinary action. Items required in the pursuit of a person’s daily MBL activities, as verified by the immediate supervisor, are considered exceptions to this prohibition.

  • 4.1 Examples of prohibited weapons include, but are not limited to, any firearms, ammunition, air-guns, knives, spring-type weapons, sling shots, martial arts weaponry, explosives, firecrackers, chemical sprays, or anything that may be construed to be used as a weapon.

5.0 The prohibition against threats and acts of violence applies to all persons involved in the 51Ʒ’s operation, including but not limited to MBL personnel, students, contract, and temporary workers and anyone else on MBL property.

6.0 Violations of this policy by any individual on MBL property, by any individual acting as a representative of MBL while off MBL property, or by an individual acting off of MBL property when his/her actions affect the 51Ʒ’s business interests will lead to disciplinary action up to and including discharge and/or legal action as appropriate.

7.0 Cooperation is needed to implement this policy effectively and to maintain a safe environment. Do not ignore violent, threatening or other disruptive behavior. If such behavior is observed by anyone on the 51Ʒ premises, report it immediately to a Supervisor or Manager. Supervisors and Managers who receive such reports should seek advice from the Security office or the Human Resources office regarding investigating the incident and initiating appropriate action.

8.0 Threats or assaults that require immediate attention should be reported to MBL ext. 7911 for MBL staff attention and/or 9-911 for direct line to police and emergency medical.

9.0 Policy Clarification and Updates:
Policy clarification and updates are available from the Manager of POM and Security and
the Human Resources office.